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Email Date 2016-02-12 11:51:34
File 2015 AMA-GAMMA Program (073115).pdf(321.2 KB)
Title 2015 AMA-GAMMA Joint Symnposium

2015 AMA-GAMMA Joint Symposium

- Bridging Asia and the World in Marketing Insight

Aug. 14-16, 2015

Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers, Chicago, USA

Organizer: Korean Scholars of Marketing Science 

Co-Hosts: American Marketing Association

               Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations

Partners: Center for Sustainble Culture & Service, Yonsei University

             Korean Economy & Management Development Institute

Co-Chairs: Roland T. Rust (University of Maryland)

                Jaewook Kim (Korea University)

* 2015 AMA-GAMMA Joint Symposium program is attached.

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