Journal of Promotion Management – Special Issue ¡°Promoting Brand Relationships¡± Promoting brand Relationships (PBR) refers to multiple online-offline relationships stablished and maintaining among stakeholders (particularly consumers) and also between each stakeholder and a certain brand. This conceptualization starts with the idea that human anthropomorphize inanimate objects and can think about brands as if they were human characters. In fact, brands cannot act, think, or feel by themselves, but can live and evolve through their managers and exist as a partner in a dyadic relationship. In this perspective, the theories ofrelationship between two partners or individuals can be brought and adapted into the relationship between the consumer and their brands. Some examples of such theories are interdependency theory, relationship investment, and theories of attraction/avoidance. Yet, PBR integrates findings from diverse literature: marketing, advertising, brand management, psychology. Several constructs are embedded in PBR contributing to develop or avoid the relationship, for instance, relationship quality (satisfaction, trust, commitment), self-brand connection, brand community, brand love, brand avoidance, brand advocacy, word-of-mouth, brand engagement, brand sacrifice, pro/anti brand behavior, desire, positive/negative emotions, consumption experience, social influence, brand persuasion and promotion. Diverse example come also from predictionaries. Roberts, CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi, proposes the theory of "Lovemarks" and claims that brands should be about consumers and their relationship with them. For Roberts, in the same way the products evolved to carry trademarks, and trademarks evolved into brands, nowadays, brands should evolve into "Lovemarks¡±. In this regards, "Lovemarks¡± are about building and strengthening emotional bonds between brands and consumers. The website ¡°lovemarkscampus¡± provides information about the companies, consumer opinions, and events around the topic: from brands to lovebrands. There, in the webpage ¡°resources¡±, it is also possible to find some academic literature on the topic of emotional marketing. Another example comes from McEwen, a Global Practice Leader at The Gallup Organization, and previous senior planning and account management in several leading advertising agencies, including McCann-Erickson, FCB, and D'Arcy. McEwen launched in 2005 the book ¡°Married to the Brand¡±. This book advocates the thesis that great brands are built upon strong customer relationships. In this special issue, under the broad rubric of PBR, we particularly welcome papers combining theory and practice to offer new perspectives to help academics and practitioners to better understand and apply PBR research. Thus, we welcome submissions on topics addressing PMC. Suggested topics include but are not limited to: ¡¤ The role and effect of culture on brand relationships ¡¤ Positive/Negative brand relationship (e.g., brand love/hate, brand attachment/avoidance) ¡¤ Negative brand relationship constructs (e.g., brand hate, brand objection) ¡¤ Anthropological and psychological aspects in brand relationships ¡¤ Social media and brand relationships ¡¤ Celebrity relationships (e.g., sports, entertainment, business celebrity) ¡¤ Consumer destination/cities/regions brand relationships Submission information We will give consideration to those manuscripts that are submitted mainly to the three designated LMC tracks specified below—PBR I, PBR II, PBR III—at 2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo. ¡¤ PBR Track I: Stakeholders-brand Relationships: Multiple online/offline interactions, Prof. Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro ¡¤ PBR Track II: Relationship Marketing, Prof. Li-Wei Wu ¡¤ PBR Track III: Mobile Marketing, Dr. Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara Submission deadline for the 2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo is Jan. 15, 2018. Direct inquiries to the Special Issue Editor: Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro – Professor of Marketing, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) ( For More Information: Journal of Promotion Management: 2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo: