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Title JBM on Corporate Branding and Identity-based Value Management

Journal of Brand Management


Corporate Branding and Identity-based Value Management (CB&IVM) in a Global Context


Special Issue - call for papers in connection with Global Marketing Conference (GMC), 21-24 July 2016, Hong Kong


GMC 2016 conference is organised by GAMMA (Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations) and globally

co-hosted by: American Marketing Association, European Marketing Academy, Australian & New Zealand Marketing

Academy, Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution, International Textile and Apparel Association, Korean Scholars

of Marketing Science - and local Co-Host: Lingnan University.


Guest Editors

Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Wiedmann, Institute of Marketing and Management, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany

Dr. Shaun M. Powell, Faculty of Business, University of Wollongong, Australia

Dr. Joachim Kernstock, Competence Center for Brand Management, St. Gallen, Switzerland

Prof. Eun Young Kim, Dept. of Fashion Design Information, Chungbuk National University, South Korea


The current and future challenges in the context of ongoing globalization are increasingly demanding strategic corporate

branding and an identity-based value management. Corporate Branding (CB) refers not only to the development and

management of a corporate brand. It deals with a companies¡¯ total branding activities leading to a more or less complex

system of brands, signs and signals highlighting the identity of the company. Besides the branding of the firm, its products

and services, organization and people (e.g., CEO branding), heritage etc. this may also include the highlighting of specific

country or area of origin, the belonging to a highly competitive cluster, the social institutions¡¯ acceptance of contributions

to environmental protection (eco-labeling) etc. The prerequisite for this is, of course, first of all the systematic development

of a corporate identity in the light of relevant global challenges – otherwise there is nothing valuable to highlight.

Compliance with global challenges is already of central importance to create the necessary conditions for a successful

national marketing. However, it¡¯s of paramount relevance when companies attempt to be successful in international,

multi-national or global marketing.


Although the challenges of globalizations in general, and via a view of corporate branding and corporate identity management

have been discussed for many years, a large gap remains in our knowledge between the relevancy of the topic and its

processing and application. Against this background the special issue welcomes rigorous and thoughtful articles covering

the above, including those derived from empirical research (qualitative, quantitative and case study research). Articles

should have a corporate branding and identity-based value management (CB&IVM) orientation and should outline the

theoretical and/or practical implications derived from their research. Articles should also be relevant to the wider global

readership of the Journal of Brand Management. As such high quality papers may be suitable which address approaches of

CB&IVM with (but not limited to) the following foci:


- Identifying global challenges in view of developing a strong corporate identity and gaining sustainable corporate reputations

with the help of corporate branding (e.g., dealing with cultural differences, different stages of economic development,

different political conditions, different market structures),


- Providing tools for analyzing global challenges (e.g., as sketched above) and planning proper strategies for global success

(especially also including relevant approaches of analyzing customer behavior or generally stakeholder behaviors),


- Discussion of normative prerequisites for successful global CB&IVM – e.g., which corporate philosophy, vision & mission

statements, and goal-systems might support global success?


- Developing new approaches of managing corporate brands and/or corporate brand portfolios, corporate identity and

corporate reputations in a global context,


- Discussing specific corporate identity and corporate branding strategies (e.g., brand portfolio strategies, positioning and

targeting strategies, strategies of integrated communications, multi-channeling strategies, strategies of leveraging corporate

heritage, country-of-origin-effects etc.),


- Critically reviewing existing or introduction of new case studies of CB&IVM.


Paper Submission/Selection

In order for full papers to be identified and considered for this special issue they must initially have been accepted and also

presented at the Global Marketing Conference (GMC), which will be held 21-24 July 2016 in Hong Kong. Please note that

the deadline for the above conference paper submissions is January 15 2016. Relevant best papers will be identified post

conference by the Guest Editors for further consideration in the special edition. Additional reviews will also be applied

and overseen via the Guest Editors prior to publication of the special issue.


For further conference and full paper submission details please visit the GMC 2016 conference web site via:



For any general queries with regard this special issue call for papers please contact the lead Guest Editor - Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Wiedmann using the following email: cfp@m2.uni-hannover.de


Journal of Brand Management: http://www.palgrave-journals.com/bm/index.html

Journal of Brand Management format of submission for special edition (i.e. if paper is invited post conference): 


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