Call for Papers: Special Issue of
Australasian Marketing Journal on
Celebrating the Magic of Marketing:
An Asia-Pacific Focus
Extended abstract submissions must be received by January 15, 2016.
Full manuscript submissions must be received by June 15, 2016.
This special issue aims at addressing contemporary trends and challenges relating to
marketing today. Its sole objective of is to showcase the myriad of marketing topics
conducted by researchers who participated in the 2016 GMC at Hong Kong.
This special issue focuses on answering broad questions on marketing primarily in
the Asia-Pacific Region. The region, despite the global recession, has seen growth
across many industries. In fact, the Asia-Pacific has become a driver of the global
economy. As international businesses look for expansion overseas, the region
presents some of the best opportunities for examining the impacts of the global
economy and trends on the consumer. Further examination of the region reveals
a number of important developments such technological innovations, the impact
of the Internet and e-commerce on marketing, the growth of Asian brands as well
as the importance of personal and inter-organisational relationships.
The rise of the middle to upper income groups and their consumption patterns has
become a topic of interest amongst researchers as well as practitioners. A greater
demand for luxury products, conspicuous consumption, brand authenticity and
innovative products has been repeatedly discussed in the popular press and
academic circles. Furthermore, the growth of the counterfeit and mimic products
in the market has become a major focus of many researchers on the Asia-Pacific
Region. As such, the disruptive consequences yet utilitarian function for consumers
have become crucial discussion-points that need to be addressed.
Topics: For this special issue, topics include but are not limited to the following:
Product and technological innovation; advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce
in the region; limitations for e-commerce in the region; branding issues; interpersonal
relationships; conspicuous consumption; brand prominence; product and brand
authenticity; counterfeiting and brand mimicry; marketing strategy in the region;
developments in retail marketing; supply chain management.
Submission and Review Process:
All submissions, reviewing and notification will be conducted electronically
through e-mail. If you do not receive confirmation of your submission within
seven days, please contact the guest co-editors mentioned below. Please submit
manuscripts in an MS WORD document in Times New Roman 12-font. Extended
abstract submissions should follow 2016 Global Marketing Conference (GMC)
guidelines. Full manuscript submissions should have page numbers and
be limited to 20 pages of text in length.
Papers must be maximum 7,000 words in total length including references and
comply with the AMJ requirements as at:
They must be original and not be submitted elsewhere. Slightly
longer high-quality papers may be acceptable, as ethnographic studies often
require a little more length than others, but papers exceeding 10,000 words are
highly unlikely to gain acceptance. The manuscripts title page should include
the corresponding author¡¯s name, affiliation, mailing address, telephone number,
and e-mail address. Names and contact information for other authors should be
included as well.
This special issue is for papers initially submitted to the 2016 Global Marketing
Conference (GMC) at Hong Kong. ONLY papers selected by the special issue
co-editors will be considered for this special issue of the Australasian Marketing
Journal on marketing in the Asia-Pacific Region. Should there be insufficient papers
of a high-enough quality for a full special issue, then a special section will be
published as part of Issue 1 of the AMJ in February 2017.
Guest co-editors: Prof. Ian Phau, School of Marketing, Curtin Business School,
GPO Box U1987, Perth WA, Australia 6845,,
Tel: +61-8-9266-4014, Fax: +61-8-9266-3937. Prof. Tony Garrett, Korea University
Business School, #616 LG-POSCO Building, Anam-Dong, Seongbuk-Gu, Seoul
136-701, Republic of Korea,, Tel: +82-2-3290-2833.
The 2016 Global Marketing Conference (GMC) will be held in Hong Kong in July, 2016.
For more GMC information, please visit: