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Email Date 2011-12-22 11:27:11
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Title 2012 EMAC-KSMS Joint Symposium in Lisbon

Call for Papers

EMAC-KSMS Joint Symposium 2012

Bridging Asia and Europe in Marketing Competitiveness

May 22-25, 2012

ISCTE Business School, Lisbon, Portugal


European Marketing Academy and Korean Scholars of Marketing Science, formerly Korean Academy of Marketing Science, will hold 'EMAC-KSMS Joint Symposium: Bridging Asia and Europe in Marketing Competitiveness' in the 41st European Marketing Academy Annual Conference which will be held at Lisbon, Portugal, May 22-25, 2012.


Accepted papers will be published in the 2012 EMAC Annual Conference Proceedings after double blind review process. All of accepted papers - striving to do so - will be considered as candidates for a special issue of Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science on ╳?Bridging Asia and Europe in Marketing Competitiveness╳?.


You are cordially invited to join ╳?EMAC-KSMS Joint Symposium 2012: Bridging Asia and Europe in Marketing Competitiveness╳?.


Submission Deadline: 1st of December, 2011



European Marketing Academy

Korean Scholars of Marketing Science


Bridging Asia and Europe in Marketing Competitiveness


Udo Wagner (University of Vienna), udo.wagner@univie.ac.at

Seong-Yeon Park (Ewha Womans University), sypark@ewha.ac.kr


May 22-25, 2012


ISCTE Business School, Lisbon, Portugal

Submission Deadline

December 1, 2011

Submit to

- Authors from European Countries:

 Professor Udo Wagner (University of Vienna)


- Authors from countries except Europe:

 Professor Seong-Yeon Park (Ewha Womans University)   


Submission Guidelines /


EMAC Homepage (http://www.emac2012.org/r/default.asp?iId=FEFGHG)

Special Issue

All of the accepted submissions will be considered as candidates for a special issue of the Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, formerly Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science, on Bridging Asia and Europe in Marketing Competitiveness


For More Information:

James Yoo (e-mail: kams_james@yahoo.co.kr)

Central Office, Korean Scholars of Marketing Science: www.kams.org

Dept. of Business Administration, Changwon National University

9 Sarimdong, Changwon, Gyeongnam, Republic of Korea.

Tel: +82 55 213 3346; Fax: +82 55 263 9096;

Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science (JGSMS): www.jgams.net

Journal of Global Fashion Marketing (JGFM): www.jgfm.org

Journal of Global Marketing Conference (GMC): www.kamsconference.org
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