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Email Date 2021-04-23 17:29:28
Title COPE Publication Ethics for JGSMS & JGFM

JGSMS & JGFM are the member journals of the COPE.


Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science and Journal of Global Fashion Marketing are the members of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) which is committed to educating and supporting editors, publishers and those involved in publication ethics with the aim of moving the culture of publishing towards one where ethical practices become a normal part of the publishing culture.


JGSMS and JGFM observe the publication ethical guidelines set by the COPE.

- https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines


You can find more information regarding JGSMS & JGFM on the COPE homepage below:

1. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science:

- https://publicationethics.org/members/journal-global-scholars-marketing-science  

2. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing:

- https://publicationethics.org/members/journal-global-fashion-marketing


For More Information:

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Korean Scholars of Marketing Science

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